Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment In Shameless Gratitude And Unabashed Joy [ 2016 ]

This book is not for everyone--just those who want to have more fun, more adventures, and more magic in their life. Thank & Grow Rich is for anyone interested in hooking up with the magnanimous energy field of the cosmos. Author Pam Grout, who likes to call herself the Warren Buffet of Happiness, says it all starts with getting on the frequency of joy and gratitude.

Жанр: деловая литература, бизнес, литература на иностранных языках

Автор(ы): Pam Grout

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Thank &amp; Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment In Shameless Gratitude And Unabashed Joy <small>[ 2016 ]</small>

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