Лучшие книги в жанре литература на иностранных языках

# Превью Описание Рейтинг
1 Обложка для книги JavaScript: The Definitive Guide JavaScript: The Definitive Guide [ 2011 ]

Дэвид Флэнаган | компьютеры и интернет, программирование, программы, литература на иностранных языках, современная
Since 1996, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has been the bible for JavaScript programmers—a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by web browsers. The 6th edition covers HTML5 and ECMAScript 5. Many chapters have been completely rewritten to bring them in line with today's best web development practices. New chapters in this edition document jQuery and server side JavaScript. It's recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it. "A must-have reference for expert JavaScript programmers...well-organized and detailed."—Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript, CTO of Mozilla

2 Обложка для книги The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives [ 2009 ]

Леонард Млодинов | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Leonard Mlodinow reveals the psychological illusions that prevent us understanding everything from stock-picking to wine-tasting, winning the lottery to road safety, and reveals the truth about the success of sporting heroes and film stars, and even how to make sense of a blood test. The Drunkard's Walk is an exhilarating, eye-opening guide to understanding our random world - read it, so you won't be left a victim of chance.

3 Обложка для книги Archangel's Consort Archangel's Consort [ 2011 ]

Налини Сингх | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
An ancient and malevolent female immortal is rising in Manhattan to reclaim her son, the archangel Raphael. Only one thing stands in her way: Elena Deveraux, a vampire-hunter-and Raphael's lover.

4 Обложка для книги Не упусти труп Не упусти труп [ 2009 ]

Рейчел Кейн | литература на иностранных языках, фэнтези
В маленьком университетском городке Морганвилль вампиры и люди жили в (относительном) мире до тех пор, пока правила не изменились, когда в город приехал злой вампир Бишоп в поисках утерянной книги вампирских секретов. С тех пор он держал город мёртвой хваткой. Но теперь подпольное сопротивление набирает обороты, и чтобы сдержать его, Бишопу нужно будет постараться изо всех сил. Он обещает уничтожить город и всех его обитателей — живых и немёртвых. Клер Дэнверс и её друзья — единственные, кто могут встать у него на пути. Но даже если они сокрушат Бишопа, удовлетворятся ли вампиры возвратом к старым правилам, уже почувствовав вкус силы?

5 Обложка для книги Исчезнувшие Исчезнувшие [ 2009 ]

Рейчел Кейн | литература на иностранных языках, фэнтези
В Морганвилле, свободном от власти Бишопа, местные вампиры пошли на большие уступки людям. С этой новообретённой свободой Клер Дэнверс и её друзья вновь почти почувствовали себя комфортно. Теперь Клер действительно может сосредоточиться на учёбе, а её подруга Ив присоединяется к местной театральной труппе. Но когда один из коллег Ив пропадает после начала работы над документальной короткометражкой, она начинает подозревать худшее. Вскоре Клер и Ив понимают, что этот фильм, объектом которого были сами вампиры, гораздо важнее и опаснее, чем кто-либо мог подумать.

6 Обложка для книги Hello Life! Hello Life! [ 2015 ]

Маркус Ллойд Батлер | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Marcus Butler's irreverent YouTube channel has long combined laughs and comedy sketches with thoughts on more serious issues. What sets him apart from the rest is his ability to mix light-hearted banter with a deep empathy for the problems facing young people today. Thanks to his experiences of family illness, his parents' divorce, weight issues and catastrophic hair days, Marcus is in a unique position to share everything he has learned about healthy living, relationships and dealing with the daily pressures life throws at us all. Working with journalist and writer Matt Allen, in HELLO LIFE! his part-autobiography, part- self help guide Marcus shares his trademark big-brotherly advice and unveils his roadmap to success for anyone navigating the trickier aspects of modern living. Funny, cool, fully illustrated and totally readable, this book is the ultimate must-have for fans of Marcus Butler.

7 Обложка для книги The Grownup The Grownup [ 2015 ]

Гиллиан Флинн | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Acanny young woman is struggling to survive by perpetrating various levels of mostly harmless fraud. On a rainy April morning, she is reading auras at Spiritual Palms when Susan Burke walks in. A keen observer of human behavior, our unnamed narrator immediately diagnoses beautiful, rich Susan as an unhappy woman eager to give her lovely life a drama injection. However, when the "psychic" visits the eerie Victorian home that has been the source of Susan's terror and grief, she realizes she may not have to pretend to believe in ghosts anymore. Miles, Susan's teenage stepson, doesn't help matters with his disturbing manner and grisly imagination. The three are soon locked in a chilling battle to discover where the evil truly lurks and what, if anything, can be done to escape it. The Grownup, which originally appeared as "What Do You Do?" in George R.R.Martin's Rogues anthology, proves once again that Gillian Flynn is one of the world's most original and skilled voices in fiction.

8 Обложка для книги Portobello Portobello [ 2009 ]

Рут Ренделл | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The Portobello area of West London has a rich personality - vibrant, brilliant in colour, noisy, with graffiti that approach art, bizarre and splendid. An indefinable edge to it adds a spice of danger. There is nothing safe about Portobello ...Eugene Wren inherited an art gallery from his father near an arcade that now sells cashmere, handmade soaps and children's clothes. But he decided to move to a more upmarket site in Kensington Church Street. Eugene is fifty, with prematurely white hair. He is, perhaps, too secretive for his own good. He also has an addictive personality. But he has cut back radically on his alcohol consumption and has given up cigarettes. Which is just as well, considering he is going out with a doctor. For all his good intentions, though, there is something he doesn't want her to know about. Eugene's secret links the lives of a number of very different people - each with their obsessions, problems, dreams and despairs. And through it all the hectic life of Portobello bustles on.

9 Обложка для книги Скрытые фигуры Скрытые фигуры [ 2016 ]

Марго Ли Шеттерли | биографии и мемуары, литература на иностранных языках
Три афроамериканские женщины-математика проводили вычисления для запуска ракеты в первый космический полёт на орбиту. Любая, даже самая маленькая ошибка может сорвать всю операцию.

10 Обложка для книги Жена смотрителя зоопарка Жена смотрителя зоопарка [ 2007 ]

Диана Акерман | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
В книге «Жена смотрителя зоопарка» Диана Акерман с блеском, юмором и бесконечным сочувствием к своим героям воплотила подлинную историю войны и величия человеческого духа. В ней рассказывается о героической чете Жабинских, владельцах Варшавского зоопарка, которые во время Второй мировой войны прятали в разоренных вольерах людей из еврейского гетто и таким образом спасли около трехсот жизней. Это ошеломляющий и трогательный рассказ о людях и животных, о глубинных связях между человеком и природой; гимн красоте, тайне и неистребимости жизни.

11 Обложка для книги Зів'яле листя Зів'яле листя [ 2006 ]

Иван Франко | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература
“Зів’яле листя” з перших поетичних рядків і до останніх дарує читачам нагоду розгорнути власне бачення любові. Перед нами чи не перша спроба художньо візуалізувати ліричні переживання поета, яку запропонувало наймолодше покоління львівських художників. (Автори художнього оформлення – талановиті митці Романа Романишин і Андрій Лесів.) Унікальність цього видання передусім у його композиції: сторінки оздоблені автографами поезій „Зів’ялого листя”, що знайдені в архівах Києва та Львова. У книжці збе-режено всі коментарі І. Франка до його поезій. Поетична збірка мимоволі нагадує альбоми початку ХХ століття із дбайливо вкладеними сухими рослинами. Книжка багато ілюстрована світлинами жінок епохи Франка.

12 Обложка для книги Вибране Вибране [ 1989 ]

Лина Васильевна Костенко | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
Книжка віршів та поем відомої української поетеси містить твори, опубліковані впродовж останніх десятиліть, поезії з книг «Зоряний інтеграл» (1963) та «Княжа гора» (1972), які свого часу не побачили світу, а також найновіші вірші, що склали розділ «Інкрустації».

13 Обложка для книги Записки українського самашедшого Записки українського самашедшого [ 2010 ]

Лина Васильевна Костенко | литература на иностранных языках
Це перша нова книжка Ліни Костенко за останні 20 років мовчання і перший її прозовий роман. Роман написано від імені 35-річного комп’ютерного програміста, який на тлі особистої драми прискіпливо, глибоко й болісно сканує усі вивихи нашого глобалізованого часу. У світі надмірної (дез)інформації і тотального відчуження він — заручник світових абсурдів — прагне подолати комунікативну прірву між чоловіком і жінкою, між родиною і професією, між Україною і світом. За жанровою стилістикою «Записки українського самашедшого» — насичений мікс художньої літератури, внутрішніх щоденників, сучасного літописання і публіцистики.

14 Обложка для книги Остання любов Асури Махараджа Остання любов Асури Махараджа [ 2013 ]

Любко Мирославович Дереш | литература на иностранных языках
«Остання любов Асури Махараджа» — алегорична історія про демона, який вирішив покинути розкіш нижніх світів заради любові до сліпої дівчини з України, що мешкає в самому серці Нью-Йорка. Протистояння напівбогів і демонів, демонстрації на Уолл-стріт і харизматичні проповідники, метафізичні запитання і смачні історії з лівообертальних світів (толерантна назва пекельних планет) — все це у новому романі Любка Дереша про любов, від якої тане серце.

15 Обложка для книги Миротворець Миротворець [ 2013 ]

Любко Мирославович Дереш | литература на иностранных языках
Нова книжка молодого українського письменника складається з двох повістей та оповідання. Перед нами постає зовсім несподіваний і трохи загадковий Любко Дереш...Так, це дуже дивна історія, сумна та загадкова… Вона не має ані свідків, ані спостерігачів, але ж звідкись ми її знаємо. Що насправді спричинило дивовижне перетворення молодого аспіранта Віденського університету, лінґвіста, безтурботного молодика Стефана Лянґе, що занурило його у чужу долю, піднесло аж до самого Бога, а відтоді призвело до його кінця чи-то початку?«…Сім, шість, п’ять…» — зворотний відлік. За якусь мить світ розколеться на до й після. І тієї ж самої миті, після грандіозного спалаху, на який так довго чекала купка науковців і військових, розколеться навпіл світогляд Роберта Оппенгеймера — творця та руйнівника. Хто він — містер Оппенгеймер? Геніальний науковець? Філософ-спостерігач? Миротворець чи той, що несе смерть?Що в нього було? Та все, що потрібно віндсерферові, — вітер, ідеальні хвилі на Акабській затоці, невблаганне єгипетське сонце та черговий косяк, що забезпечить неперевершений кайф, ну й, звісна річ, дошка й вітрила. Тож що трапилося, друже, звідки з’явився той внутрішній голос із його прямими запитаннями, що, здається, йде з самого серця? І ось тут з’являється страх, а з ним боягузливе бажання втекти. Тримайся, герою, якщо ти дійсно герой… Може, саме час зустрітись із собою, справжнім собою у власному серці.ГЕНІЇ ТА ГЕРОЇ ЗАВЖДИ САМОТНІ…

16 Обложка для книги The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must [ 1996 ]

Роберт Зубрин | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Since the beginning of human history, Mars has been an alluring dream—the stuff of legends, gods, and mystery. The planet most like ours, it has still been thought impossible to reach, let alone explore and inhabit. But all that changed when leading space exploration authority Robert Zubrin crafted a daring new blueprint, Mars Direct. When it was first published in 1996, The Case for Mars became an instant classic, lauded widely for its game-changing perspective by those who would see the American space program rise to the challenge of Mars; Carl Sagan called Zubrin the man who, “nearly alone, changed our thinking on this issue.” Now, fifteen years later, Zubrin brings readers up to date in this revised and updated anniversary edition filled with spectacular illustrations, extraordinary photographs, and one-of-a-kind anecdotes.

17 Обложка для книги First Landing First Landing [ 2001 ]

Роберт Зубрин | литература на иностранных языках, наука и образование
From renowned Mars visionary Robert Zubrin comes his much-anticipated debut novel - a work of fiction born from the facts that inspired his groundbreaking nonfiction works, The Case for Mars and Entering Space . Filled with startling authenticity, First Landing follows humankind's first manned mission to Mars, a new frontier of undreamed-of possibilities - and nightmarish dangers. Five are chosen for the first mission to Mars: Colonel Andrew Townsend, top-gun Air Force pilot, Major Gwen Llewellyn, tomboy flight engineer, the brilliant and beguiling blue stocking biologist Dr. Rebecca Sherman, Luke Johnson, redneck geologist from Texas, and Professor Kevin McGee, idealist, adventurer, and historian extraordinaire. In spite of clashing outlooks and personal friction, the crew of the ship Beagle makes history by becoming the first humans to walk upon the Red Planet. But when their findings set off a wave of controversy and political upheaval back home, public opinion turns against the Mars mission - and an ineffective government leaves the team stranded.

18 Обложка для книги Mars on Earth First Edition Edition Mars on Earth First Edition Edition [ 1999 ]

Роберт Зубрин | литература на иностранных языках, наука и образование
The author of The Case for Mars recounts the dramatic story of his band of space pioneers who simulated a mission to the Red Planet in the most desolate regions on Earth. Here is the incredible true story of a group of determined space voyagers who wouldn't wait for the space program to catch up with them. From 1999 to 2002, the stalwarts of the Mars Society began the virtual exploration of Mars through a series of unique missions. Complete with habitat modules, space suits, and next-generation exploration equipment, they lived in the most isolated spots on earth, where they replicated and studied the real-life challenges of exploring the Red Planet. Encounters with polar bears, tensions between crew members, bouts with near-disaster, and-ultimately-victory in creating an earthbound "space program" would inspire people around the world who followed the mission on the Discovery Channel and in feature articles. Leading the mission was the man known as the "Christopher Columbus of Mars," internationally renowned astronautical engineer Robert Zubrin. In Mars on Earth, Zubrin tells a tale of risk and adventure in the frozen wastes of the Arctic and Ant-arctic, and in the parched deserts of the American southwest and the Australian outback. Strikingly illustrated with dramatic on-site photographs and possessed of remarkable accounts of technological know-how and achievement, Mars on Earth captures the wild-eyed idealism and hardheaded practicality of the current generation of space enthusiasts.

19 Обложка для книги There and Back Again : An Actor's Tale There and Back Again : An Actor's Tale [ 2004 ]

Шон Астин, Джой Лайден | литература на иностранных языках
The fascinating memoir of a Hollywood life and an inside look at a life-changing role and the groundbreaking Lord of the Rings films that captured the imagination of movie fans everywhere.The Lord of the Rings is one of the most successful film franchises in cinematic history. Winner of a record eleven Academy Awards--a clean sweep--and breaking box office records worldwide, the trilogy is a breathtaking cinematic achievement and beloved by fans everywhere. For Sean Astin, a Hollywood child (his mother is Patty Duke and stepfather is John Astin) who made his feature film debut at 13 in the 1980s classic The Goonies and played the title role in Rudy, the call from his agent about the role of Samwise Gamgee couldn't have come at a better time. His career was at a low point and choice roles were hard to come by. But his 18-month experience in New Zealand with director Peter Jackson and the cast and crew od The Lord of the Rings films would be more than simply a dream-come-true--it would prove to be the challenge of a lifetime.There and Back Again: An Actor's Tale is the complete memoir of Sean Astin, from his early days in Hollywood to the role that changed his life.Though much has been written about the making of the films, including the techniques and artistry employed to bring Tolkien's vision of life and the various relationships between castmembers, the real story of what took place on the set, the harrowing ordeals of the actors and the unspoken controversy and backstage dealings have never been told.Sean's experience and candid account of his time filming in New Zealand is unparalleled. More than a companion guide to the Ring films, There and Back Again filled with stories from the set and of the actors involved that have never been revealed before and is an eye-opening look from a Hollywood veteran at the blood, sweat and tears that went into the making of one of the most ambitious films of all time.

20 Обложка для книги The Mistake The Mistake [ 2015 ]

Элли Кеннеди | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
He’s a player in more ways than one… College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he’ll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he’s worth a second chance. Now he’s going to need to up his game… After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She’s not a charity case, and she’s not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He’ll have to work for it. This time around, she’ll be the one in the driver’s seat…and she plans on driving him wild.

21 Обложка для книги The Score The Score [ 2016 ]

Элли Кеннеди | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
He knows how to score, on and off the ice Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn’t have the first clue about what she's going to do after college. To make matters worse, she’s nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di-Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once, though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won’t include the king of one-night stands.

22 Обложка для книги The Myth of the Strong Leader The Myth of the Strong Leader [ 2014 ]

Арчи Браун | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
All too frequently, leadership is reduced to a simple dichotomy: the strong versus the weak. Yet, there are myriad ways to exercise effective political leadership—as well as different ways to fail. We blame our leaders for economic downfalls and praise them for vital social reforms, but rarely do we question what makes some leaders successful while others falter. In this magisterial and wide-ranging survey of political leadership over the past hundred years, renowned Oxford politics professor Archie Brown challenges the widespread belief that strong leaders – meaning those who dominate their colleagues and the policy-making process – are the most successful and admirable.

23 Обложка для книги Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale [ 2014 ]

Марина Уорнер | литература на иностранных языках
From wicked queens, beautiful princesses, elves, monsters, and goblins to giants, glass slippers, poisoned apples, magic keys, and mirrors, the characters and images of fairy tales have cast a spell over readers and audiences, both adults and children, for centuries. These fantastic stories have travelled across cultural borders, and been passed on from generation to generation, ever-changing, renewed with each re-telling. Few forms of literature have greater powerto enchant us and rekindle our imagination than a fairy tale. But what is a fairy tale? Where do they come from and what do they mean? What do they try and communicate to us about morality, sexuality, and society? The range of fairy tales stretches across great distances and time; their history is entangled with folklore and myth, and their inspiration draws on ideas about nature and the supernatural, imagination and fantasy, psychoanalysis, and feminism. Marina Warner has loved fairy tales over a long writing life, and she explores here a multitude of tales through the ages, their different manifestations on the page, the stage, and the screen. From the phenomenal rise of Victorian and Edwardian literature to contemporary childrens stories, Warner unfolds a glittering array of examples, from classics such as Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and The Sleeping Beauty, the Grimm Brothers Hansel and Gretel, and HansAndersens The Little Mermaid, to modern-day realizations including Walt Disneys Snow White and gothic interpretations such as Pans Labyrinth. In ten succinct chapters, Marina Warner digs into a rich hoard of fairy tales in their brilliant and fantastical variations, in order to define a genre and evaluate a literary form that keeps shifting through time and history. Her book makes a persuasive case for fairy tale as a crucial repository of human understanding and culture.

24 Обложка для книги Monuments And Maidens Monuments And Maidens [ 1985 ]

Марина Уорнер | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
'Why should Truth be a woman? Or Nature? Or Justice? Or Liberty? Not, certainly, because women have been more free, just, truthful, nor even (though this one has a double edge) more natural. Marina Warner sets out to breathe some life into the army of petrified personages that litters western cityscapes... As her book shows, these stony ladies can be persuaded to yield surprisingly interesting answers' - Lorna Sage, ObserverAn entertaining and enlightening book about the relationship between allegory and female form from one of the great feminists and cultural historians of our time, Marina Warner.

25 Обложка для книги From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers [ 1996 ]

Марина Уорнер | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
In this landmark study of the history and meaning of fairy tales, the celebrated cultural critic Marina Warner looks at storytelling in art and legend-from the prophesying enchantress who lures men to a false paradise, to jolly Mother Goose with her masqueraders in the real world. Why are storytellers so often women, and how does that affect the status of fairy tales? Are they a source of wisdom or a misleading temptation to indulge in romancing?

26 Обложка для книги Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights Stranger Magic: Charmed States and the Arabian Nights [ 2013 ]

Марина Уорнер | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Our foremost theorist of myth, fairytales, and folktales explores the magical realm of the imagination where carpets fly, objects speak, dreams reveal hidden truths, and genies grant prophetic wishes. "Stranger Magic" examines the wondrous tales of the "Arabian Nights, " their profound impact on the West, and the progressive exoticization of magic since the eighteenth century, when the first European translations appeared.

27 Обложка для книги Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media into the Twenty-first Century Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media into the Twenty-first Century [ 2008 ]

Марина Уорнер | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
With over thirty illustrations in color and black and white, Phantasmagoria takes readers on an intellectually exhilarating tour of ideas of spirit and soul in the modern world, illuminating key questions of imagination and cognition. Warner tells the unexpected and often disturbing story about shifts in thought about consciousness and the individual person, from the first public waxworks portraits at the end of the eighteenth century to stories of hauntings, possession, and loss of self in modern times. She probes the perceived distinctions between fantasy and deception, and uncovers a host of spirit forms--angels, ghosts, fairies, revenants, and zombies--that are still actively present in contemporary culture.

28 Обложка для книги Марта с улицы Святого Николая Марта с улицы Святого Николая [ 2015 ]

Дзвинка Матияш | детская литература, литература на иностранных языках, повести
Повесть Дзвинки Матияш «Марта с улицы Святого Николая» адресована подросткам. Это история взросления девочки, которая мечтает стать художницей, становление ее как личности. Это рассказ о жизни ее родных и друзей, про творчество и вдохновение, живопись и музыку, любовь и потерю. И про рождение новой жизни.

29 Обложка для книги Эсперанто с Юлио Баги. Рассказы Эсперанто с Юлио Баги. Рассказы [ 2012 ]

Юлио Баги | учебная литература, литература на иностранных языках, языкознание
В книге предлагаются рассказы классика литературы на языке эсперанто, венгерского писателя и поэта Юлио Баги, адаптированные (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу обучающего чтения Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц, изучающих эсперанто (под руководством преподавателя или самостоятельно).

30 Обложка для книги Солнце тоже звезда Солнце тоже звезда [ 2016 ]

Никола Юн | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The Instant New York Times Bestseller! The dazzling new novel from Nicola Yoon, the №1 New York Times bestselling author of Everything, Everything, will have you falling in love with Natasha and Daniel as they fall in love with each other! Natasha: I'm a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when my family is twelve hours away from being deported to Jamaica. Falling in love with him won't be my story. Daniel: I've always been the good son, the good student, living up to my parents’ high expectations. Never the poet. Or the dreamer. But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store - for both of us. The Universe: Every moment in our lives has brought us to this single moment. A million futures lie before us. Which one will come true?

31 Обложка для книги Wise Children Wise Children [ 1991 ]

Анджела Картер | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
A richly comic tale of the tangled fortunes of two theatrical families, the Hazards and Chances, Angela Carter's witty and bawdy novel is populated with as many sets of twins and mistaken identities as any Shakespearean comedy, and celebrates the magic of over a century of show business.

32 Обложка для книги Viva Coldplay! A Biography Viva Coldplay! A Biography [ 2010 ]

Martin Roach | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Author Martin Roach traces Coldplay's history from their self-financed early records through the hit albums-including Viva La Vida's collaboration with Brian Eno - to the present day. On the way he explores the band's professional and personal insecurities, their chosen political causes and their unswerving commitment to retaining artistic control of the music. Central to the Coldplay story is the sometimes angst-ridden personality of lead vocalist Chris Martin whose marriage to Gwyneth Paltrow adds both to his celebrity and to the pressure of being a working musician. Marked by individuality, integrity and musical talent, Coldplay's is an exceptional and compelling story. In Viva Coldplay! Martin Roach does it full justice. Martin Roach is a best-selling writer, with scores of books on music, youth culture and celebrity to his name.

33 Обложка для книги How Not to be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life How Not to be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life [ 2016 ]

Jordan Ellenberg | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The math we learn in school can seem like a dull set of rules, laid down by the ancients and not to be questioned. In How Not to Be Wrong, Jordan Ellenberg shows us how terribly limiting this view is: Math isn't confined to abstract incidents that never occur in real life, but rather touches everything we do-the whole world is shot through with it. Math allows us to see the hidden structures underneath the messy and chaotic surface of our world. It's a science of not being wrong, hammered out by centuries of hard work and argument. Armed with the tools of mathematics, we can see through to the true meaning of information we take for granted: How early should you get to the airport? What does "public opinion" really represent? Why do tall parents have shorter children? Who really won Florida in 2000? And how likely are you, really, to develop cancer? How Not to Be Wrong presents the surprising revelations behind all of these questions and many more, using the mathematician's method of analyzing life and exposing the hard-won insights of the academic community to the layman-minus the jargon. Ellenberg chases mathematical threads through a vast range of time and space, from the everyday to the cosmic, encountering, among other things, baseball, Reaganomics, daring lottery schemes, Voltaire, the replicability crisis in psychology, Italian Renaissance painting, artificial languages, the development of non-Euclidean geometry, the coming obesity apocalypse, Antonin Scalia's views on crime and punishment, the psychology of slime molds, what Facebook can and can't figure out about you, and the existence of God. Ellenberg pulls from history as well as from the latest theoretical developments to provide those not trained in math with the knowledge they need. Math, as Ellenberg says, is "an atomic-powered prosthesis that you attach to your common sense, vastly multiplying its reach and strength." With the tools of mathematics in hand, you can understand the world in a deeper, more meaningful way. How Not to Be Wrong will show you how.

34 Обложка для книги HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites [ 2011 ]

Джон Дакетт | компьютеры и интернет, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная
A full-color introduction to the basics of HTML and CSS from the publishers of Wrox! Every day, more and more people want to learn some HTML and CSS. Joining the professional web designers and programmers are new audiences who need to know a little bit of code at work (update a content management system or e-commerce store) and those who want to make their personal blogs more attractive. Many books teaching HTML and CSS are dry and only written for those who want to become programmers, which is why this book takes an entirely new approach. Introduces HTML and CSS in a way that makes them accessible to everyone-hobbyists, students, and professionals-and it's full-color throughout; Utilizes information graphics and lifestyle photography to explain the topics in a simple way that is engaging; Boasts a unique structure that allows you to progress through the chapters from beginning to end or just dip into topics of particular interest at your leisure. This educational book is one that you will enjoy picking up, reading, then referring back to. It will make you wish other technical topics were presented in such a simple, attractive and engaging way!

35 Обложка для книги Harrow County Harrow County [ 2015 ]

Коллектив авторов | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, ужасы

36 Обложка для книги Speedboat Speedboat [ 1976 ]

Рената Адлер | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках

37 Обложка для книги Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear [ 2015 ]

Элизабет Гилберт | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки, современная литература, современная зарубежная
Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration from Elizabeth Gilbert's books for years. Now, this beloved author shares her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, shattering the perceptions of mystery and suffering that surround the process - and showing us all just how easy it can be. By sharing stories from her own life, as well as those from her friends and the people that have inspired her, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we most love and face down what we most fear. Whether you long to write a book, create art, cope with challenges at work, embark on a long-held dream, or simply to make your everyday life more vivid and rewarding, Big Magic will take you on a journey of exploration filled with wonder and unexpected joys.

38 Обложка для книги Cracking the Coding Interview Cracking the Coding Interview [ 2015 ]

Лакман Макдауэлл | литература на иностранных языках
Now in the 5th edition, Cracking the Coding Interview gives you the interview preparation you need to get the top software developer jobs. This is a deeply technical book and focuses on the software engineering skills to ace your interview. The book is over 500 pages and includes 150 programming interview questions and answers, as well as other advice.

39 Обложка для книги The Only Pirate at the Party The Only Pirate at the Party [ 2016 ]

Линдси Стирлинг, Брук Пасси | литература на иностранных языках
Dancing electronic violinist Lindsey Stirling shares her unconventional journey in an inspiring memoir filled with the energy, persistence, and humor that have helped her successfully pursue a passion outside the box. A classically trained musician gone rogue, Lindsey Stirling is the epitome of independent, millennial-defined success: after being voted off the set of America’s Got Talent, she went on to amass more than ten million social media fans, record two full-length albums, release multiple hits with billions of YouTube views, and to tour sold-out venues across the world

40 Обложка для книги Garden of the Gods Garden of the Gods [ 2016 ]

Стивен Стирлинг | литература на иностранных языках
When big-game hunter Matt Hayden is hired to capture and study a fabled bear-like monster in the Arizona desert, he jumps on the opportunity. But when the beast emerges to defend the native Tonowa tribe, Matt finds himself drawn into the middle of a range war. Caught between the government, a prehistoric beast, and a small Native American tribe, will Matt survive this battle of land, peoples, and morals, and the forgotten spirits who protect them?

41 Обложка для книги Linux: Learn Linux in 5 Days and Level Up Your Career Linux: Learn Linux in 5 Days and Level Up Your Career [ 2016 ]

Джейсон Кэннон | компьютеры и интернет, литература на иностранных языках
As the founder of the Linux Training Academy and an instructor of several courses, I've had the good fortune of helping thousands of people hone their Linux skills. Interacting with so many people who are just getting started with the Linux operating system has given me invaluable insight into the particular struggles and challenges people face at this stage. One of the biggest challenges for people interested in learning the ins and outs of Linux is simply a lack of time. When you are working with a limited and extremely valuable resource you want to make sure you make the most of it. The next biggest challenge for Linux newcomers is knowing where to start. There is so much information available that deciding what to focus your attention on first is a big enough hurdle to keep many people from even starting. What's worse is starting down the path of learning only to discover too many concepts, commands, and nuances that aren't explained. This kind of experience is frustrating and leaves you with more questions than answers.

42 Обложка для книги Bone: The Complete Cartoon Epic in One Volume Bone: The Complete Cartoon Epic in One Volume [ 2004 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone are separated and lost in a vast uncharted desert. One by one they find their way into a deep forested valley filled with wonderful and terrifying creatures. It will be the longest - but funniest - year of their lives.

43 Обложка для книги BONE Prequel: Rose BONE Prequel: Rose [ 2009 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The stirring prequel to the award-winning, bestselling BONE series! When a terrifying dragon attacks the small towns of the Northern Valley, a young Princess Rose (known later as Gran'ma Ben) must defeat it. The beast is actually the ancient evil, the Lord of the Locusts, and while Rose faces danger with honor, her elder sister, Princess Briar, follows a more sinister path.An unforgettable story with beautiful, sweeping artwork, this prequel explores the fateful beginnings of the epic BONE saga.

44 Обложка для книги Bone: Quest for the Spark #2 Bone: Quest for the Spark #2 [ 2012 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The quest continues! The Nacht, the evil dragon that threatens to destroy both the Dreaming and the Waking World, is growing stronger, and twelve-year-old Tom Elm is the champion the Dreaming has chosen to defeat it. Along with Roderick the raccoon, Percival Bone and his nephew and niece, Randolf, Lorimar, and the two stupid Rat Creatures, Tom must race to find the missing pieces of the Spark. This leg of the journey introduces him to a trio of scheming bears and takes him into the depths of a dangerous beehive. And, on top of everything else, a traitor might be among them. . . .

45 Обложка для книги Bone: Quest for the Spark #3 Bone: Quest for the Spark #3 [ 2013 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The thrilling conclusion to the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Quest for the Spark trilogy! The Nacht is growing stronger, and it's a race against time for Tom Elm and friends to find the final piece of the Spark before the entire Valley--and possibly the world--are plunged into eternal darkness. In this installment, the Queen of the Sky is brought down in the Pawa Mountains and our intrepid band of heroes is separated. What secrets can be found deep inside the mountains' caverns? Will the great mountain cat, Roque Ja, be ally or enemy? And will one of their very own betray them to evil?

46 Обложка для книги BONE: CODA 25th Anniversary Special BONE: CODA 25th Anniversary Special [ 2016 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
25 years after the first black & white issue of the self-published comic book BONE appeared on comic shop shelves, and over a decade since the concluding chapter comes a new (and completely superfluous!) adventure featuring the Bone cousins! Ride along with the boys and their friend Bartleby the Rat Creature as they brave the dangerous journey across the desert back toward Boneville in their rickety cow cart. Creator Jeff Smith is back for another laugh with Fone Bone, Phoney Bone and Smiley!

47 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 9: Crown of Horns Bone, Vol. 9: Crown of Horns [ 2009 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
BONE is more thrilling, adventurous, and hilarious than ever in this conclusion to Jeff Smith's bestselling comic book saga! It's full-fledged war as Briar, the rat creatures, and the Pawan army storm the city of Atheia. The Bone cousins, Thorn, and Gran'ma Ben are all there to defend the Valley and stop the return of the Lord of the Locusts. When Thorn goes inside a ghost circle, she hears a voice urging her to seek the Crown of Horns. What follows is another dangerous journey for Thorn and loyal Fone Bone as they race to the sacred grounds of the dragons, searching for the one thing that may save them all. This is the breathtaking conclusion to Jeff Smith's nine-book graphic novel series.

48 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 8: Treasure Hunters Bone, Vol. 8: Treasure Hunters [ 2008 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Tensions come to a head in the eighth epic volume of the BONE series. The Bone cousins, Gran'ma Ben, and Thorn finally reach the city of Atheia, where they reunite with old friends and plan to thwart The Lord of the Locusts. The Pawan army has joined forces with Briar and the rat creatures, and danger increases as Thorn's visions get stronger. Meanwhile, Phoney Bone is convinced Atheia is a city rich in gold, and he is determined to find it!

49 Обложка для книги Ghost Circles (Bone, Book 7) Ghost Circles (Bone, Book 7) [ 2008 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Natural disaster and supernatural evil collide in the seventh volume of the epic BONE series. A long-dormant volcano explodes, blacking out the sun, mowing down trees, and filling the land with soot and ash. The Lord of the Locusts has been released. Against this apocalyptic backdrop, the Bone cousins along with Thorn and Gran'ma Ben struggle to reach safe haven in the city of Atheia.Meanwhile, Lucius Downs lies severely wounded and trapped with the villagers in the camp at Old Man's Cave.

50 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 6: Old Man's Cave Bone, Vol. 6: Old Man's Cave [ 2007 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
A showdown with the rat creatures and a secret ceremony by moonlight; revelations and battles: The Bone cousins are in the thick of it again! The thrilling BONE saga continues in book six. As war spreads through the valley, the Bone cousins join Gran'ma Ben and Lucius at Old Man's Cave to make a stand against the rat creatures. But not everything goes as planned. By the end of the book, Phoney Bone is strapped to a stone altar and about to be sacrificed; Thorn is lying lifeless nearby; and the rumblings of an earthquake suggest that the Lord of the Locusts is about to be released. Fone and Smiley Bone must do something drastic to save their friends.

51 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 5: Rock Jaw, Master of the Eastern Border Bone, Vol. 5: Rock Jaw, Master of the Eastern Border [ 2007 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Trying to return a rat creature cub to the mountains, Fone & Smiley Bone encounter yet another adversary: the sly and mighty mountain lion, Rock Jaw. In this fifth volume of the BONE saga, Fone and Smiley Bone strike out into the wilderness to return a lost rat creature cub to the mountains. It doesn't take long before they run smack into Rock Jaw, "Master of the Eastern Border," an enormous mountain lion with a none-too-friendly disposition. Life gets even more complicated when they befriend a group of baby animals who are being orphaned by rat creature attacks. Everything comes to a head in an earth-shattering clash between Rock Jaw and Kingdok, the leader of the rat creatures.

52 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 4: The Dragonslayer Bone, Vol. 4: The Dragonslayer [ 2006 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The forces of evil are growing stronger - but could our heroes' worst enemy be Phoney Bone himself? Fone Bone confronts a host of dangers in Book 4 of the BONE saga, The Dragonslayer. He and Gran'ma Ben and Thorn have a terrifying encounter with Kingdok, ruler of the rat creatures. The Hooded One is inciting his army to full-scale war. Someone is continuing to haunt Thorn in her dreams. And then wise Gran'ma Ben disappears. To make matters worse, Phoney Bone has hoodwinked the townspeople into believing that he is a mighty dragonslayer. When he actually does catch the Red Dragon -- much to his surprise -- he must face up to his promise: to slay the dragon at sunrise.

53 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 3: Eyes of the Storm Bone, Vol. 3: Eyes of the Storm [ 2006 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
In "Eyes of the Storm," book three in the epic BONE series, Gran'ma Ben reveals long-kept secrets about Thorn's royal heritage and the ancient enmities that may lead to war. In "Eyes of the Storm," volume three of the nine-book BONE saga, Lucius, Smiley, and Phoney survive an attack by the rat creatures and return safely to Lucius' tavern in Barrelhaven. Phoney, desperate to win a bet with Lucius, stokes the townspeople's fear of dragons and boasts that he is a professional dragonslayer. Back at the farm, Fone Bone and Thorn are troubled by strange dreams, and Gran'ma Ben's reaction to them is stranger still: She reveals long-kept secrets and warns of great danger. Thorn, Fone Bone, and Gran'ma Ben may have to leave the farm forever.

54 Обложка для книги Bone, Vol. 2: The Great Cow Race Bone, Vol. 2: The Great Cow Race [ 2005 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках
The cornerstone of GRAPHIX, our new graphic novel imprint, BONE is the incredible comic book saga of an unlikely hero who must save an idyllic valley from the forces of evil. In THE GREAT COW RACE, volume 2 of this 9-book epic, Fone Bone and his cousins plan to return home after visiting the village of Barrelhaven with Thorn and Gran'ma Ben. But Phoney risks everything on one last get-rich-quick scheme for the town's annual Great Cow Race. As usual, Phoney's plans go disastrously awry, and Boneville seems further away than ever. Meanwhile, ominous signs indicate that a war is brewing, and Fone finds himself helping his friends defend their valley from a formidable enemy.

55 Обложка для книги BONE #1: Out from Boneville BONE #1: Out from Boneville [ 2005 ]

Джефф Смит | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The first book in Jeff Smith's New York Times bestselling, award-winning graphic novel series featuring an unlikely hero who must save an idyllic valley from the forces of evil. After being run out of Boneville, the three Bone cousins -- Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone -- are separated and lost in a vast, uncharted desert. One by one, they find their way into a deep, forested valley filled with wonderful and terrifying creatures. Eventually, the cousins are reunited at a farmstead run by tough Gran'ma Ben and her spirited granddaughter, Thorn. But little do the Bones know, there are dark forces conspiring against them and their adventures are only just beginning!

56 Обложка для книги Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words [ 2015 ]

Randall Munroe | литература на иностранных языках
Looking for something great to read? Browse our editors' picks for 2015's Best Books of the Year in fiction, nonfiction, mysteries, children's books, and much more.

57 Обложка для книги Struck by Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal Struck by Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal [ 2012 ]

Крис Колфер | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Carson Phillips is at the bottom of the food chain in a high school filled with people he hates, stuck living with his depressed single mother in a small-minded town at the corner of nothing and nowhere. He has just one goal: escape to Northwestern University and a career as a hard-hitting journalist. He can practically smell the ink on the admissions letter when disaster strikes: his guidance counsellor tells him that he needs to bolster his application by creating a literary magazine. Which means he needs submissions. From other students. With seventeen years of animosity standing between him and his dreams, Carson resorts to the only thing he can think of: blackmail. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures, and everyone has a secret they'd do anything to hide.

58 Обложка для книги My Worst Best Friend My Worst Best Friend [ 2010 ]

Даян Шелдон | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Gracie and Savannah are best friends – despite being totally different. Savannah is beautiful, outrageous and irresistible to the opposite sex. Gracie is shy, smart and would rather be learning about lizards than meeting boys. Together they make a great if surprising team and it seems like nothing could come between them – but Gracie begins to question Savannah's reliance on lies and manipulation to get her own way and wonders whether her friend is quite as confident as she seems. When Gracie meets a boy she really likes, and Savannah comes between them, Gracie realizes that maybe it's time she started thinking for herself. The two friends may never be as close as they were but they've learned a great deal from each other. This is a witty and very funny story about friendship, keeping your own identity and moving on.

59 Обложка для книги Can You Keep a Secret? Can You Keep a Secret? [ 2016 ]

Роберт Стайн | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Эдди и Эмма — влюблённые друг в друга старшеклассники, живущие в трущобах. В поисках спасения от безотрадной жизни они вместе с друзьями отправляются в поход с ночёвкой в рощу на улице Страха. Когда Эдди вырезает сердечко на дереве, он и Эмма находят сумку, спрятанную в стволе. Сумку, наполненную стодолларовыми банкнотами. Тысячами таких. Нужно ли им забрать её? Или лучше оставить деньги здесь? Шесть подростков соглашаются, что нужно оставить сумку на месте, пока не станет безопасно использовать её. Но когда в семью Эммы приходит беда, становится невозможным бороться с искушением взять хоть немного денег. Но есть одна проблема. Когда Эмма возвращается в рощу, сумка с деньгами испарилась, а вместе с ней и доверие относительно большого секрета среди шестерых друзей.

60 Обложка для книги Morning, Noon and Night Morning, Noon and Night [ 1995 ]

Сидни Шелдон | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
The Stanford family is one of the most respected in America - but behind the facade of fame and glamour lies a hidden web of blackmail, drugs and murder... When Harry Stanford, one of the wealthiest men in the world, mysteriously drowns while cruising on his yacht off the rugged coast of Corsica, it sets off a chain of events that reverberates around the globe. At the family gathering following the funeral in Boston, a strikingly beautiful young woman appears. She claims to be Stanford's daughter and entitled to a share of the tycoon's estate. Is she genuine, or is she an imposter?

61 Обложка для книги The Wall of Storms The Wall of Storms [ 2016 ]

Кен Лю | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The much anticipated sequel to The Grace of Kings which NPR called “A magnificent fantasy epic.” returns with Kuni Garu, now known as Emperor Ragin, running the archipelago kingdoms of Dara and struggling to maintain progress while serving the demands of the people. But when an unexpected invasion force from the far distant east known as the Lyucu Empire comes to shores of Dara, chaos erupts from fear.Emperor Ragin cannot go and lead Dara against the threat himself as he has a recently healed empire fraying at its weakest seams, as conflict within rival faction, even with the Emperor’s own family threaten the raw peace that he has established. Amidst traitorous rebellion and false accusations the emperor’s grown children rise to face the invaders, some with armies, and one with the guile and savvy intuition to empower the unlikely genius that surrounds her, his eldest daughter Théra. The Wall of Storms is a breathtaking sequel that builds with a towering diversity of action and tragedy that embodies the best of epic fantasy.

62 Обложка для книги Oh... Oh... [ 2012 ]

Филипп Джиан | литература на иностранных языках

63 Обложка для книги Земля гуде Земля гуде [ 1975 ]

Олесь Гончар | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
Навіки залишається в пам'яті народній славні імена героїв Великої Вітчизняної війни. Немеркнучою зіркою горить серед них ім'я юної народної месниці - партизанки Лялі Убийвовк. Саме їй присвячена повість "Земля гуде". Оповідання "Ілонка", "Модри камінь", "Весна за Моравою" - з часів Вітчизняної війни.

64 Обложка для книги Chu's Day Chu's Day [ 2013 ]

Нил Гейман | детская литература, детская проза, литература на иностранных языках
Meet Chu. Chu is a small panda with a very big sneeze. When Chu sneezes, you REALLY don't want to get in the way. But a whole day of adventure will test Chu's sneeze-resisting powers to the limit - there's the library (dusty books!), the diner (pepper!), and then the circus (all those animals!). How big can a sneeze really be? Just wait and see . . .

65 Обложка для книги The Way Back Home The Way Back Home [ 2014 ]

Оливер Джефферс | детская литература, детская проза, литература на иностранных языках
Zoom into space on an exciting adventure in this toddler-friendly board book from the award-winning, bestselling creator of How to Catch a Star and Lost and Found. One day a boy finds an aeroplane in his cupboard. Up, up and away he flies, past clouds and stars until suddenly, phut, phut phut, the plane runs out of petrol and the boy crash lands on the moon. Just as he is beginning to get cold and lonely, a Martian appears from the darkness - could this be the start of an unlikely friendship? And will the boy ever manage to get home again?

66 Обложка для книги Milk and Honey Milk and Honey [ 2014 ]

Rupi Kaur | литература на иностранных языках
milk and honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. It is about the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. It is split into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose, deals with a different pain, heals a different heartache. milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.

67 Обложка для книги Two by Two Two by Two [ 2016 ]

Николас Спаркс | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
At 32, Russell Green has it all: a stunning wife, a lovable six year-old daughter, a successful career as an advertising executive and an expansive home in Charlotte. He is living the dream, and his marriage to the bewitching Vivian is the center of that. But underneath the shiny surface of this perfect existence, fault lines are beginning to appear...and no one is more surprised than Russ when he finds every aspect of the life he took for granted turned upside down. In a matter of months, Russ finds himself without a job or wife, caring for his young daughter while struggling to adapt to a new and baffling reality. Throwing himself into the wilderness of single parenting, Russ embarks on a journey at once terrifying and rewarding-one that will test his abilities and his emotional resources beyond anything he ever imagined.

68 Обложка для книги Spud - Learning to Fly Spud - Learning to Fly [ 2009 ]

Джон ван де Рюит | детская литература, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная
Spud Milton (practically a man in most areas) is hoping for a smooth ride as he returns to boarding school as a senior. But instead he finds his vindictive arch-enemy is back to taunt him and a garrulous new boy has taken residence in his dorm, along with the regular inmates and misfits he calls friends. Spud's world has never felt more uncertain as he attempts to master Shakespeare, girls, religion and the meaning of life. Once again, armed only with his wits and his diary, Spud invites us on a hilarious journey deep into the sublime and ridiculous world of being a teenager.

69 Обложка для книги Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы / W. S. Maugham: Stories Английский язык с У. С. Моэмом. На окраине империи. Рассказы / W. S. Maugham: Stories [ 2008 ]

Уильям Сомерсет Моэм, Коллектив авторов | учебная литература, литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
В книге предлагаются рассказы Уильяма Сомерсета Моэма, адаптированные (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебной программе. Предназначено для студентов, для изучающих английский язык самостоятельно, а также для всех интересующихся английской культурой. Пособие подготовили Ольга Ламонова, Яна Ануфриева, Ирина Кемайкина.

70 Обложка для книги Мартин Боруля Мартин Боруля [ 1891 ]

Иван Карпович Карпенко-Карый | литература 19 века, литература на иностранных языках
«Мартин Боруля» Івана Карпенка-Карого – сатирично-гумористична п’єса на соціально-побутову тематику. Боруля – заможний селянин, який з усіх сил прагне входити до дворянських кіл. Своїй дочці Марисі він забороняє займатися важкою працею і водитися з простим людом – тепер вона має бути панянкою. Та чи принесуть панські примхи щастя дівчині, яка щиро кохає простого юнака? Етичні цінності проти умовностей та рангів – таким є основний конфлікт п’єси І. Карпенка-Карого «Мартин Боруля».

71 Обложка для книги Der Wald Der Wald [ 2013 ]

Peter Wohlleben | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература

72 Обложка для книги Off the Page Off the Page [ 2015 ]

Джоди Пиколт, Саманта Лир | книги для подростков, литература на иностранных языках
Meant for each other . . . Meet Oliver, a prince literally taken from the pages of a fairy tale and transported into the real world. Meet Delilah, the girl who wished Oliver into being. It's a miracle that seems perfect at first - but there are complications. To exist in Delilah's world, Oliver must take the place of a regular boy. Enter Edgar, who agrees to play Oliver's role in the pages of Delilah's favorite book. But just when it seems that the plan will work, everything gets turned upside down. In this multilayered universe, the line be¬tween what's on the page and what's possible is blurred. Is there a way for everyone to live happily ever after? OFF THE PAGE is a stand-alone novel as well as the sequel to the authors' bestseller BETWEEN THE LINES, and is perfect for readers looking for a fairytale ending.

73 Обложка для книги Brunette Ambition Brunette Ambition [ 2014 ]

Лиа Мишель | литература на иностранных языках
The star of the hit show Glee shares her experiences and insider tips on beauty, fashion, inner strength, and more in an illustrated book that's part memoir, part how-to, and part style guide. Lea Michele is one of the hardest working performers in show business. Whether she's starring as Rachel Berry on Glee, rocking a glamorous look on the red carpet, recording her solo album, or acting as the spokesperson for L'Oreal, Lea is the ultimate multi-tasker. She knows better than anyone that it is difficult to be your best self and keep things in perspective when your to-do list is overflowing and you are faced with challenges, so she's developed a foolproof system for remaining healthy and centered. In Brunette Ambition, she reveals the lessons and advice that have worked for her -- from beauty and fashion secrets to fitness tips, and career insights. Supplemented with never-before-seen photos and revealing anecdotes, it's the book Lea wishes she'd had in her teens and early twenties: A practical and inspirational guide to harnessing tenacity and passion and living the fullest life, no matter what obstacles life puts in your way.

74 Обложка для книги You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life You First: Journal Your Way to Your Best Life [ 2015 ]

Лиа Мишель | литература на иностранных языках
Lea Michele is one of the hardest-working women in show business. In 2014 alone she starred as Rachel Berry on Glee, released her chart-topping album, Louder, wrote a New York Times bestseller, and was the face of L'Oreal cosmetics. Yet in spite of all these demands on her time, she manages to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. She shared a lot of the secrets and stories behind her success in Brunette Ambition and now, in her second book, she will teach readers how they, too, can get the best out of themselves. In Lea's opinion, keeping a journal and asking yourself the hard questions about what you want out of life is the best way to achieve your dreams, so she has outlined a series of exercises, prompts, and lists based on her own personal program. Lea's guided journal will address all the topics she wrote about in Brunette Ambition, including fitness, diet, work, school, and relationships, but with all-new material to help readers be their best selves. Peppered between the advice and exercises will be fun personal anecdotes and more.

75 Обложка для книги Choosing Glee: 10 Rules to Finding Inspiration, Happiness, and the Real You Choosing Glee: 10 Rules to Finding Inspiration, Happiness, and the Real You [ 2013 ]

Дженна Ашковиц | биографии и мемуары, литература на иностранных языках
Time to Gleek out! Fans of the breakout musical series will flock to Ushkowitz's heartfelt and practical guide on how to be your true self, gain self-esteem, and find your inner confidence. In Choosing Glee, Jenna shares her life in thrall to performance, navigating the pendulum swing of rejection and success, and the lessons she learned along the way. Included are her vivid anecdotes of everything before and after Glee: her being adopted from South Korea; her early appearances in commercials and on Sesame Street; her first Broadway role in The King and I; landing the part of Tina on Glee; her long-time friendships with Lea Michele (a.k.a. Rachel Berry) and Kevin McHale (a.k.a. Artie); and touring the world singing the show's hits to stadium crowds. Peppered throughout are photos, keepsakes, lists, and charts that illustrate Jenna's life and the choices she has made that have shaped her positive outlook. Choosing Glee will speak to the show's demographic who are often coping with the very stresses and anxieties the teenage characters on Glee face. Think The Happiness Project for a younger generation: With its uplifting message and intimate format, teens can learn how, exactly, to choose glee.

76 Обложка для книги Am Arsch vorbei geht auch ein Weg Am Arsch vorbei geht auch ein Weg [ 2016 ]

Alexandra Reinwarth | литература на иностранных языках

77 Обложка для книги UnBound: Stories from the Unwind World UnBound: Stories from the Unwind World [ 2015 ]

Нил Шустерман | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
Find out what happens to Connor, Risa, and Lev now that they’ve finally destroyed the Proactive Citizenry in this collection of short stories set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Unwind Dystology by Neal Shusterman. Connor Lassiter’s fight to bring down Proactive Citizenry and find a suitable alternative to unwinding concluded in UnDivided. Now Connor, Risa, and Lev are free to live in a peaceful future—or are they? Neal Shusterman brings back his beloved Unwind characters for his fans to see what’s left for those who were destined to be unwound.

78 Обложка для книги Запiскi Самсона Самасуя Запiскi Самсона Самасуя [ 1953 ]

Андрэй Мрый | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
Андрэй Мрый напісаў унікальны не толькі для беларускай, але і для сусветнай літаратуры раман. Эксклюзіў у тым, што галоўны герой, прайдзісвет і авантурнік, выкрывае сам сябе, а заадно і сістэму, якая яго спарадзіла. Самсон Самасуй быццам вылузаўся з рамана і забіў свайго стваральніка: пісьменнік быў рэпрэсаваны, высланы і памёр падчас вяртання на радзіму. Над загадкаю гэтага непатапляльнага персанажа літаратуразнаўцы б`юцца дагэтуль.

79 Обложка для книги Forbidden Forbidden [ 2010 ]

Табита Сузума | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. He is seventeen; gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. And now they have fallen in love. But... They are brother and sister. Forbidden will take you on an extraordinary emotional journey. Passionate and shocking, this is a book you will remember long after you have put it down.

80 Обложка для книги Реквієм для листопаду Реквієм для листопаду [ 2005 ]

Дзвінка Матіяш | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки, современная литература
Героїня книги Дарина гостро переживає смерть мами. Дівчині доводиться навчитися жити по-новому і заповнювати порожнечу, яка залишається всередині після втрати близької людини. Це доводиться робити через зустріч із власними страхами, комплексами, сумнівами. Дарина справляється – адже її внутрішній світ багатий, глибокий і неординарний, і в ньому попри самотність, є і кохання, і дружба. Ця повість, у якій немає єдиної сюжетної лінії, розбита на численні фрагменти-переживання. Її можна починати читати з будь-якої сторінки. Перечитуючи той самий фрагмент багато разів.

81 Обложка для книги Stranger Than Fanfiction Stranger Than Fanfiction [ 2017 ]

Крис Колфер | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки, современная литература, современная зарубежная
Кэш Картер – юный, всемирно известный ведущий актёр телехита «Чудо-Дети». Четверо поклонников в шутку пригласили его в совместное путешествие через всю страну. И были шокированы, когда он поймал их на слове. Преследуемая папарацци и затравленный журналистами, странная компания отправляется в путешествие мечты. Но в пути они узнают, что их любимый актёр хранит глубоко запрятанные секреты. То, что они обнаружили в жизни таинственного человека, которого они вроде бы хорошо знали, подарило им силу сопереживания и нерушимые узы верной дружбы.

82 Обложка для книги Russka Russka [ 1991 ]

Эдвард Резерфорд | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках
In this vast and gorgeous tapestry of a novel, serf and master, Cossack and tsar, priest and Jew are brought together in a family saga which unrolls through centuries of history to reveal that most impenetrable and mysterious of lands...Russia. Through the life of a little town east of Moscow in the Russian heartland, Edward Rutherfurd creates a sweeping family saga from the baffling contradictions of Russia's culture and her people - bleak yet exotic, brutal but romantic, land of ritual yet riddled with superstitious fears. From Russia's dawn and the cruel Tartar invasions to Ivan the Terrible and the wild Cossacks, from Peter, Catherine and the days of "War and Peace" to the drama of the Revolution and the extraordinary events of today - here is Russia's story in a spellbinding novel...history recreated with breathtaking detail and passion.

83 Обложка для книги Goldenhand Goldenhand [ 2016 ]

Гарт Никс | книги для подростков, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная
The long-awaited fifth installment in Garth Nix’s New York Times bestselling Old Kingdom series, for readers who enjoy series by Rae Carson, Kristin Cashore, Scott Westerfeld, and Cassandra Clare. Goldenhand takes place six months after the events of Abhorsen and follows the novella Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case, which is featured in Across the Wall.

84 Обложка для книги Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen Clariel: The Lost Abhorsen [ 2014 ]

Гарт Никс | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература

85 Обложка для книги Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man [ 2005 ]

Джастин Ричардс | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература,
In 1920s London the Doctor and Rose find themselves caught up in the hunt for a mysterious murderer. But not everyone or everything is what they seem. Secrets lie behind locked doors and inhuman killers roam the streets. Who is the Painted Lady and why is she so interested in the Doctor? How can a cat return from the dead? Can anyone be trusted to tell or even to know the truth? With the faceless killers closing in, the Doctor and Rose must solve the mystery of the Clockwise Man before London itself is destroyed...Featuring the Doctor and Rose as played by Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in the hit series from BBC Television.

86 Обложка для книги Doctor Who: Winner Takes All Doctor Who: Winner Takes All [ 2005 ]

Jacqueline Rayner | литература на иностранных языках, фантастика, космическая фантастика
Rose and the Doctor return to present-day Earth, and become intrigued by the latest craze - the video game, Death to Mantodeans. Is it as harmless as it seems? And why are so many local people going on holiday and never returning? Meanwhile, on another world, an alien war is raging. The Quevvils need to find a new means of attacking the ruthless Mantodeans. Searching the galaxy for cunning, warlike but gullible allies, they find the ideal soldiers on Earth. Will Rose be able to save her family and friends from the alien threat? And can the Doctor play the game to the end and win? Featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose as played by Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in the hit science fiction series from BBC Television First published in 2005.

87 Обложка для книги Berlin Syndrome Berlin Syndrome [ 2017 ]

Мелани Жюстин | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература

88 Обложка для книги The Coldest City The Coldest City [ 2012 ]

Энтони Джонстон | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках
November 1989. Communism is collapsing, and soon the Berlin Wall will come down with it. But before that happens there is one last bit of cloak & dagger to attend to. Two weeks ago, an undercover MI6 officer was killed in Berlin. He was carrying information from a source in the East — a list that allegedly contains the name of every espionage agent working in Berlin, on all sides. No list was found on his body. Now Lorraine Broughton, an experienced spy with no pre-existing ties to Berlin, has been sent into this powderkeg of social unrest, counter-espionage, defections gone bad and secret assassinations to bring back the list and save the lives of the British agents whose identities reside on it.

89 Обложка для книги The Art of Destruction The Art of Destruction [ 2006 ]

Коул Стивен | литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература,
The TARDIS lands in 22nd century Africa in the shadow of a dormant volcano. Agri-teams are growing new foodstuffs in the baking soil to help feed the world's starving millions - but the Doctor and Rose have detected an alien signal somewhere close by. When a nightmare force starts surging along the dark volcanic tunnels, the Doctor realizes an ancient trap has been sprung. But who was it meant for? And what is the secret of the eerie statues that stand at the heart of the volcano? Dragged into a centuries-old conflict, Rose and the Doctor are soon elevating survival to an art form - as ancient, alien hands practice arts of destruction all around them...

90 Обложка для книги Dorothy Must Die Dorothy Must Die [ 2014 ]

Даниэль Пейдж | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Я не просила этого. Я не просила быть каким-то героем. Но когда вся ваша жизнь закручивается в торнадо – забирая вас с собой – иного выбора не остается, кроме как податься обстоятельствам. Естественно я читала книги. И видела фильмы. Я знаю песенку про радугу и счастливых синих птичек. Но я никак не ожидала, что страна Оз окажется такой. Местом, где Добрым Волшебницам нельзя доверять, Злые Ведьмы могут оказаться хорошими, а крылатые обезьяны могут быть казнены за мятежные действия. Хотя, желтая кирпичная дорожка все еще на месте – но даже она крошится. Что произошло? Дороти. Говорят, она нашла способ вернуться в Оз. Девушка захватила власть и та ударила ей в голову. Теперь все в опасности. Меня зовут Эмми Гамм – и я еще одна девочка из Канзаса. Меня принял на службу Революционный Орден Злых. Меня научили бороться. И поручили миссию. Убрать сердце у Железного Дровосека. Украсть мозги Страшилы. Забрать храбрость Льва. И только после этого – Дороти должна умереть!

91 Обложка для книги Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: Volume 1 Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: Volume 1 [ 2013 ]

Том Тэйлор | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках
The best-selling prequel to the hit videogame picks up right where it left off! Year one is over - now, year two begins! The death of one of their own has divided Earth's protectors as hero turns against hero. As Superman's iron grip on the world tightens, at the edge of the galaxy, another grave threat approaches...Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 2 continues the story from the New York Times best-selling graphic novel with rising star writer Tom Taylor (Earth 2) and a team of artists including Mike S. Miller, Bruno Redondo and Tom Derenick.

92 Обложка для книги Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: Volume 2 Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two: Volume 2 [ 2014 ]

Том Тэйлор, Маргерит Беннетт | комиксы, литература на иностранных языках, современная литература, современная зарубежная литература
The prequel to the best-selling video game Injustice: Gods Among Us! It will be a war between heroes who used to call each other friends. A war among gods. Superman's grip over the world is unrelenting, and the casualties are rising. The super-pills Batman synthesized from Lex Luthor's original have given the resistance an edge, but it's only a slight one. Especially compared to the fearsome power of the Man of Steel's newest allies: the Sinestro Corps. Thankfully, help is on the way. The Guardians of the Universe are none too pleased with Superman's actions over the past year, and they’ve dispatched their Green Lantern Corps to aid the alliance of heroes opposing his unjust rule. Their plan involves the biggest Corps member there is- nd one, little green bullet to bring down a god. But death is not the only way a god may fall.

93 Обложка для книги Момент Момент [ 1910 ]

Владимир Кириллович Винниченко | литература 20 века, литература на иностранных языках, новеллы
«Момент» — імпресіоністична новела, яку написав Володимир Винниченко у 1910 році. У ній поєднались реалістичне змалювання дійсності й філософський підтекст про плинність життя, про щастя людини, про мить як частинку вічності.

94 Обложка для книги The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey [ 2012 ]

Джейн Джонсон | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
This official tie-in photo guidebook is packed with exclusive photographs and in-depth text offering a sneak peek at the highly anticipated new film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, directed by Peter Jackson. Join the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the wizard and the Company of Dwarves on their Quest to recover treasure stolen by the Dragon, Smaug the Magnificent. Leaving the comfort of Bilbo's home they must face many perils before they can claim their long-lost gold - Trolls, Elves, Goblins, Wargs, and worse...Richly illustrated with more than 100 colour photos from the film, and featuring a brand new fold-out map charting the journey from Bag End to Wilderland, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Visual Companion begins the Quest for the Lonely Mountain in spectacular style.

95 Обложка для книги At Home in Mitford At Home in Mitford [ 2015 ]

Джан Карон | литература на иностранных языках

96 Обложка для книги Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment In Shameless Gratitude And Unabashed Joy Thank & Grow Rich: A 30-Day Experiment In Shameless Gratitude And Unabashed Joy [ 2016 ]

Pam Grout | деловая литература, бизнес, литература на иностранных языках
This book is not for everyone--just those who want to have more fun, more adventures, and more magic in their life. Thank & Grow Rich is for anyone interested in hooking up with the magnanimous energy field of the cosmos. Author Pam Grout, who likes to call herself the Warren Buffet of Happiness, says it all starts with getting on the frequency of joy and gratitude.

97 Обложка для книги Английский XXI века. Джон Смит. Истории для смелых Английский XXI века. Джон Смит. Истории для смелых [ 2015 ]

Джон Смит | учебная литература, литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Отчего в больнице регулярно умирают пациенты, идущие на поправку? Как поступить убийце собственной жены, если его сосед явно о чем-то догадывается? Что ожидает парочку грабителей, готовящихся навестить пустующий дом? Мастер короткой новеллы Джон М.У.Смит в присущей ему ироничной манере ответит читателю на эти и другие вопросы. Сюрпризы гарантированы! Рассказы, вошедшие в книгу, адаптированы (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Книги из серии "Английский XXI века" представляют собой новейшие произведения англоязычной литературы и являются неоценимым подспорьем в изучении «живого» современного английского языка.

98 Обложка для книги Грязь. Motley crue. Признание наиболее печально известной мировой рок-группы Грязь. Motley crue. Признание наиболее печально известной мировой рок-группы [ 2001 ]

Никки Сикс, Нил Страусс, Томми Ли, Винс Нил, Мик Марс | биографии и мемуары, литература на иностранных языках
Виски и порнозвёзды, хотроды и автомобильные аварии, черные кожанки и высокие каблуки, передозировки и смерти. Это жизнь Motley Crue, переполненная сексом, драками и тяжелыми попойками. Их невероятные "подвиги" являются легендами рок-н-ролла. Они снимали самых горячих цыпочек, затевали кровавых драки, тусовались с самыми крупными драгдилерами и узнали изнутри тюремные камеры от Калифорнии до Японии.

99 Обложка для книги On Becoming Fearless: ...in Love, Work, and Life On Becoming Fearless: ...in Love, Work, and Life [ 2006 ]

Арианна Хаффингтон | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки
Observing that her own teenage daughters were beginning to experience some of the same fears that had once burdened her--how attractive am I? do people like me? do I dare speak up?--Arianna Huffington began to examine the ways in which fear affects all our lives. In stories drawn from her own experiences and from the lives of other women, she points toward the moments of extraordinary strength, courage, and resilience that result from confronting and overcoming fear. And she outlines the steps anyone can take to conquer fear. Her book shows us how to become bold from the inside out--from feeling comfortable in our own skin to getting what we want in love and at work to changing the world.

100 Обложка для книги Новый голод Новый голод [ 2013 ]

Айзек Марион | литература на иностранных языках, иностранные языки, современная литература, современная зарубежная
In THE NEW HUNGER, Isaac Marion’s much-anticipated prequel to WARM BODIES, America has been devastated by natural disasters and governmental collapse, as well as the annoying problem of zombies trying to devour any survivors. But 16-year-old Nora and her younger brother Addis are about to discover the most frightening thing yet—being abandoned by their own parents. As the siblings begin their harrowing journey to connect with anyone who isn’t looking to rob them or eat them, a 12-year-old girl named Julie is traveling in an SUV with her parents. She’s already seen her friends die and her school burn, and watched her father become nearly as cold and remorseless as the Dead. All she wants is to find a place she can call home, even if nothing will ever be the same.